Registration Information

Category Early Bird**
(on or before 30 June 2025)
(1 July - 15 August 2025)
EAACI Junior Members* HKD 2,000 (~EUR 250) HKD 2,400 (~EUR 300)
EAACI Members* HKD 2,800 (~EUR 350) HKD 3,400 (~EUR 425)
Non-Members HKD 3,600 (~EUR 450)
(Fee includes 1-year EAACI membership)
HKD 4,400 (~EUR 550)
(Fee includes 1-year EAACI membership)

* In order to enjoy the EAACI Member discount, an active and fully paid membership status is required at the time of registration.
** To receive the early-bird discount, the registration form received must be postmarked before 30 June 2025.


  • Registration fees will be charged in HKD only. The EUR amounts provided are for reference only.
  • The final amount charged may vary based on your local bank's exchange rates and fees.

Registration Procedure:

Registration can be arranged through the online registration system or sending in completed registration form and fee.

For paper form registration, please complete the form and return it with a crossed cheque of appropriate registration fee make payable to "MIMS (Hong Kong) Limited T/A Congress & CME" and mail them to the Conference Secretariat.

Conference Secretariat:
MIMS (Hong Kong) Limited
Unit 2606-2609, 26th Floor, AIA Tower
183 Electric Road
North Point, Hong Kong

Please note that foreign cheque is not acceptable for postal registration payment.

Online Registration  (Online registration will be opened shortly)

Download Registration Form

Registration Confirmation:

A letter of confirmation will be sent after the Conference Secretariat has received a fully completed registration form and the related payment while registrants by online registration will receive a confirmation e-mail sent to the registered email address.

Cancellation of Registration:

No refund will be made for any cancellation of registration. Registration is non-transferable.


For enquiries, please contact the Conference Secretariat:

Ms. Agnes Ku
Conference Secretariat
EAACI Hong Kong Allergy School 2025
Unit 2606-2609, 26th Floor, AIA Tower
183 Electric Road
North Point, Hong Kong
Tel: (852) 2116 4320
Fax: (852) 2559 6910