Preliminary Programme Skeleton

  Wednesday, 27th August 2025 Thursday, 28th August 2025 Friday, 29th August 2025
  Theme: Urticaria and Angioedema Theme: Allergic Airway Diseases Theme: Drug Allergy
09:30 Welcome and Reception
Philip Li (Hong Kong) and
Mohammed Shamji (United Kingdom)
Allergic Rhinitis - State of the Art
Kai Guan (China)
Drug Allergy in Europe
Maria Torres (Spain)
10:00 Urticaria - Global Perspective
Zuotao Zhao (China)
Allergen Immunotherapy - State of the Art
Stephen Durham (United Kingdom)
Drug Allergy in America
David Khan (USA)
10:30 Urticaria in the East
Michihiro Hide (Japan)
Asthma in the East
Hae Sim Park (South Korea)
Drug Allergy in Asia
Philip Li (Hong Kong)
11:00 Urticaria in the West
Martin Metz (Germany)
Asthma in the West
Stefano Del Giacco (Italy)
Drug Allergy in Australasia
Jason Trubiabo (Australia)
11:30 Urticaria - Roundtable and Consensus
Jonny Peter (South Africa) and
Philip Li (Hong Kong)
Consensus and Differences
Jolanta Walusiak-Skorupa (Poland) and
Melinda Meng (China)
Consensus and Differences
Jonny Peter (South Africa) and
Melinda Meng (China)
14:30 Angioedema - Global Perspective
Hiliary Longhurst (New Zealand)
Oral Abstracts 1
Hae Sim Park (South Korea) and
Jolanta Walusiak-Skorupa (Poland)
Chinese Track
Oral Abstracts
Oral Abstracts 2
Philip Li (Hong Kong) and
David Khan (USA)
Chinese Track
Oral Abstracts
15:00 Angioedema in the East
Ankur Jindal (India)
15:30 Angioedema in the West
Connie Kateralis (Australia)
Drug Allergy Workshop Oral Abstracts 3
Maria Torres (Spain) and
Jason Trubiano (Australia)
16:00 Angioedema - Roundtable and Consensus
Stefano Del Giacco (Italy) and
Michihiro Hide (Japan)
17:00 Welcome Drinks Closing + Farewells